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Quiz Explanations/Education and Society6

Friedrich Froebel: Founder of Kindergarten Education Quiz 6Question: Who is this educator?Hint 1: He was active in early 20th century Germany.Hint 2: He is known as the founder of kindergarten education.Hint 3: He emphasized learning through play and activities.Hint 4: His educational philosophy focuses on the natural development of children.Hint 5: The kindergarten model named after him is famous worldwide. Answer: Friedrich FroebelFriedrich Froe.. 2024. 7. 7.
David Kolb: Pioneer of Experiential Learning Theory Quiz 5Question: Who is this educational philosopher?Hint 1: He was an educational theorist active in mid-20th century America.Hint 2: He emphasized experiential learning and learner-centered education.Hint 3: He proposed the theory of "Inquiry-Based Education."Hint 4: His educational philosophy is based on learner-led learning.Hint 5: His main work is "Experience and Education." Answer: David Ko.. 2024. 7. 7.
Maria Montessori: Innovator of Children's Education Quiz 4Question: Who is this Italian educator?Hint 1: She introduced innovative approaches to children's education in the early 20th century.Hint 2: She developed an educational method named after herself.Hint 3: Her method emphasizes children's self-directed learning and creativity.Hint 4: Many schools worldwide adopt her educational method.Hint 5: Her main work is "The Secret of Childhood." Ans.. 2024. 7. 7.
Plato: The Great Philosopher of Ancient Greece Quiz 3Question: Who is this ancient Greek philosopher?Hint 1: He was a student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle.Hint 2: He proposed the theory of "Ideas" or "Forms."Hint 3: His main work is "The Republic."Hint 4: His academy lasted for about 900 years.Hint 5: He advocated that "Philosophers should be kings." Answer: PlatoPlato: The Great Philosopher of Ancient GreeceOverviewPlato, a disc.. 2024. 7. 7.
John Dewey: Pioneer of Modern Education Quiz 2Question: Who is this American education reformer?Hint 1: He was active from the late 19th century to the early 20th century.Hint 2: His educational philosophy is based on experimentalism and pragmatism.Hint 3: His main work is "Democracy and Education."Hint 4: He taught at the University of Chicago and Columbia University.Hint 5: Famous quote: "School is a miniature society." Answer: John.. 2024. 7. 7.
Confucius: The Master of East Asian Civilization Quiz 1Question: Who is this famous philosopher?Hint 1: Born in China in the 6th century BCE.Hint 2: His thoughts greatly influenced morality, family, and social order.Hint 3: His main work is the "Analects."Hint 4: His teachings became the standard of scholarship in China and East Asia for a long time.Hint 5: Famous quote: "A gentleman cultivates himself and teaches others." Answer: ConfuciusCon.. 2024. 7. 7.