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The History and Innovation of Solar Panels: Stories You Didn't Know Quiz 4Question: What is this innovative energy technology?Hint 1: It is a technology that converts sunlight into electricity.Hint 2: It is recognized as an environmentally friendly method of energy production.Hint 3: Cells made of silicon wafers are its main components.Hint 4: It can serve as an independent power source.Hint 5: Recently, it has become common to install it on rooftops and buildin.. 2024. 7. 6.
#1_Technology & Innovation 6 Quizzes #1_Technology & Innovation 6 QuizzesQuiz 1 Question: What is this innovative device?Hint 1: It was first developed in 1973 as a communication device.Hint 2: It allows wireless voice communication.Hint 3: Early models were large and heavy, but became smaller and lighter over time.Hint 4: It evolved into the smartphone in the 21st century.Hint 5: It now offers features like texting, internet, and .. 2024. 7. 5.
#1_Art & Literature 6 Quizzes #1_Art & Literature 6 QuizzesQuiz 1 Question: What is this famous painting?Hint 1: It was painted by a Renaissance artist.Hint 2: It depicts a woman with a mysterious smile.Hint 3: The background shows a distant landscape.Hint 4: This painting is housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris.Hint 5: The artist's name is Leonardo da Vinci.    Answer: Mona LisaQuiz 2 Question: What is this famous sculpture.. 2024. 7. 5.
#1_Science & Environment 6 Quizzes #1_Science & Environment 6 QuizzesQuiz 1 Question: What is this phenomenon?Hint 1: It is responsible for the warming of the Earth's surface.Hint 2: It involves gases like carbon dioxide and methane trapping heat.Hint 3: It is a natural process but has been intensified by human activities.Hint 4: It is a major factor in climate change.Hint 5: This term is commonly used in discussions about global.. 2024. 7. 5.
#1_History & People 6 Quizzes #1_History & People 6 QuizzesQuiz 1 Question: Who is this famous historical figure?Hint 1: He was born in England in 1564.Hint 2: He is considered the greatest playwright in the English language.Hint 3: His works include "Hamlet," "Othello," and "Macbeth."Hint 4: He was a member of the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men.Hint 5: His famous quote: "All the world's a stage, and a.. 2024. 7. 5.
#1_Politics & Economy: 6 Quizzes #1_Politics & Economy: 6 QuizzesQuiz 1Question: Who is this famous political figure?Hint 1: He was born in Germany in the late 19th century.Hint 2: He became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.Hint 3: He is closely associated with World War II.Hint 4: His dictatorship led Nazi Germany.Hint 5: He died in Berlin in 1945.     Answer: [Adolf Hitler]Quiz 2Question: What is this famous economic theory?.. 2024. 7. 5.